Photo Credit: John Jude Palencar
Freedom in healing is available and Brainspotting allows this to happen. Traditional talk therapy can feel boxed-in leaving little room for you to breathe and explore the way your body truly desires.
Brainspotting’s approach to healing is anti-oppressive and leaves room for you to show up just as you are.
Through this lens, black-bodied folks can experience their healing journey in a way that is natural and flowing. Brainspotting utilizes what you already have, your eyes, and everything that is connected to them. It is based on the belief, “Where you look affects how you feel” (
You may be curious about this modality and how our eyes can help us experience healing. Your eyes are the links to your brain and deeper body experiences.
Your brain and body are the keys to processing unhealed trauma…
and by using the eyes to connect with past events and/or trauma, it allows your body to drop deeper into the body’s experience to explore and process unhealed or unprocessed trauma.
During a Brainspotting session, I will support you in finding a spot in your field of vision to connect to an event or memory you are struggling with or one that you are curious about. I will guide you through your journey to process and explore what naturally comes up as you focus on any somatic responses, memories, or feelings through your body.
Through Brainspotting, the freedom to explore and process as needed can assist you in moving through to releasing what was held inside. I invite you to connect with me to see how Brainspotting may be helpful on your healing journey.
Alabama | Arkansas | Delaware | Idaho | Georgia | Louisiana | Maryland | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | South Carolina | Tennessee | Utah | Virginia