Executive Skills Coaching for High School and College Students


Do you need help with Time Management?

Are you overwhelmed with your academic coursework?

Have you been placed on Academic Probation?

Are you parents, teachers, or tutors complaining about your organization skills?

Do you feel a decline in your motivation to attend classes and/or complete coursework?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then Roots, Seeds, and Branches is here for you.

For students who struggle with academic, social, and attention issues; managing one's life can feel overwhelming. Those around you may judge you as being lazy,  " having a don't care attitude", or appear to be pushing you towards goals that you are not invested in.

If you are looking for assistance in taking control of your life, maximizing your potential, and gaining a sense of  power in your academic life,  contact our team at Roots Seeds and Branches to set up an initial call. 

Performance Coaching for Professionals


Do you need help with work/ life balance?

Is your career not progressing in the way that you want it to?

Are you dealing with stress on your job and you feel like the walls are closing in?

Are you experiencing sexual harassment, racial discrimination, homophobia, or any form of bias that is disrupting your work?

Are you managing upward in response to  the incompetence by those who employ you?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then Roots, Seeds, and Branches is here for you.

Coaching is different than psychotherapy. Instead of helping you to seek  answers in response to the emotions that you are feeling., we listen to your concerns,  co-design a healthy response, and then we coach you through the implementation of a plan to change your performance at your job .

If you are looking to make a bold professional move, and live as a free person while doing it, contact our team at Roots Seeds and Branches to set up an initial call.